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Access Bars Energy Sessions


Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on body process, which can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.


When your mind is out of the way, you are instantly free to play. You make your life and the world a better place. All life comes to you with ease, joy, and glory.You receive greater consciousness.


Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin is a neuroscientist who mapped the brain before and after bars treatment and has proven slowing of brain waves to allow change to happen and emotions to dissipate. Feel free to explore the following YouTube video for additional information.


Please contact any of the following Reiki Practitioners who have recently taken The Bars with Fran to schedule your session:

Susie: 304-634-6191

Lynn: 941-661-6850

Linda: 720-273-5325

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